Stage 1

Unhobble Your Business…

A new paradigm choice of growing an equine business that is fully aligned with your values of love, compassion and care…

One that allows you to lead your business by:
- preserving the horse’s happiness and welfare
- placing clients and your team at the center of your business
- taking time out to create life-changing services and

- building a ‘brand’ that reflects the truest part of yourself.

"The course has helped to bring a better and more strategic view on exactly how to be working on my business from the foundation."

~ Veronique Van Hoorenbeke - Nalini Center

“Getting further, having a bigger impact and making a better use of my time is what I now know I can do and with the structures and strategies we put in place for content offers, marketing, lead generation, and much more. I am now confident that I can have the impact that I hope I can have in the equestrian world. Thank you HBS!”

~ Giorgia Ghizzoni - Hatha Equus

Stage 1

Unhobble Your Business…

A new paradigm choice of growing an equine business that is fully aligned with your values of love, compassion and care…

One that allows you to lead your business by:
- preserving the horse’s happiness and welfare
- placing clients and your team at the center of your business
- taking time out to create life-changing services and

- building a ‘brand’ that reflects the truest part of yourself.

"The course has helped to bring a better and more strategic view on exactly how to be working on my business from the foundation."

~ Veronique Van Hoorenbeke - Nalini Center

The Battle of Self, Soul, & love of Horses...

You chose a life of passion where earning your living is tied to your love of horses because you can't imagine spending your days any other way... BUT, bills do actually have to get paid.

Often the dream doesn't match the reality.

You recognize that the horse industry is stuck in the wrong paradigm…

It feels like the only path to "success" is:

  • Profit before welfare...

  • Prestige over compassion...

  • Ego over connection...

  • Lack of empathy at the cost of our souls and the soul of the horse world.

The alternative, the choice you made, preserves your soul but there's a cost to that too.

  • You work endless hours without self-care.

  • You discount services because you want to help more.

  • You forgive debt because you know how it feels not to have money.

  • You sacrifice personal time, opportunities, and profit to do right by the horses.

  • You take on the wrong clients because your kindness gets in the way.

  • You hope for referrals because marketing, to you, means nasty manipulation.

  • You go without...

You make those choices because your heart can’t stomach the other option…selling your values and soul to profit and "success"…and so, instead you give your life, hurting YOURSELF on the way.

You're not alone. You belong to a hidden herd of horse-first professionals who have allowed their passion for horses to lead them to the point of burnout, losing their love for their work, alienating their family, ruining their health, all while keeping them from making a bigger difference.

The Battle of Self, Soul, & love of Horses...

You chose a life of passion where earning your living is tied to your love of horses because you can't imagine spending your days any other way... and also, bills do actually have to get paid.

But the dream doesn't match the reality.

You recognize that the horse industry is stuck in the wrong paradigm…

It feels like the only path to "success" is:

  • Profit before welfare...

  • Prestige over compassion...

  • Ego over connection...

  • Lack of empathy at the cost of our souls and the soul of the horse world.

The alternative, the choice you made, preserves your soul but there's a cost to that too.

  • You work endless hours without self-care.

  • You discount services because you want to help more.

  • You forgive debt because you know how it feels not to have money.

  • You sacrifice personal time, opportunities, and profit to do right by the horses.

  • You take on the wrong clients because your kindness gets in the way.

  • You hope for referrals because marketing, to you, means nasty manipulation.

  • You go without...

You make those choices because your heart can’t stomach the other option…selling your values and soul to profit and "success"…and so, instead you give your life, hurting YOURSELF on the way.

You're not alone. You belong to hidden herd of horse-first professionals who have allowed their passion for horses to lead them to the point of burnout, losing their love for their work, alienating their family, ruining their health, all while keeping them from making a bigger difference.

The New Path

What  if there is a healthier choice?!

Now is the time for this paradigm shift!
It's time to join a growing herd of horse-first professionals who choose to succeed on their own terms.

This novel, win-win-win way of running an equine business can be done. And it SHOULD be done.

But it requires radically rethinking how we structure our services, how we teach, how define our mission and how we market. 

Your heart-felt principles CAN and SHOULD be the magic sauce to your business’ true and meaningful success.

Everything that you practice with your horses can be put into practice in running your business. 

What if ...

  • Your heart were reflected in every detail of your business, and still be effective, as matter be MORE effective than short-term fame or long-term sacrifice?

  • You ended your inner battle between wanting to help horses and ‘having’ to run a business?

Imagine if running your business made you a better horse(wo)man and all the qualities you bring to your horses (mindfulness, patience, care, communication, clarity, connection, community) allowed you to build a business that fosters even more love in the world...which honors the horses.

Picture this ...

  • No more choosing between integrity and profit when it comes to running your business.

  • Bringing all your goodness and wholeness to your work, both in the office and in the barn.

What if this 3rd option was a solution to the toxic culture of ‘competing to win’ AND ‘serve until I have nothing more to give’?

What if this horse-first business of yours:

  • felt great to your heart and also thrives?

  • could heal your relationship to tech, marketing and money so that you can show up even more centered, present and patient to your horses?

  • could heal the horses AND the people in it -your clients, your staff, your family?

The New path

What  if there is a healthier choice?!

Now is the time for this paradigm shift! It's time to join a growing herd of horse-first professionals who choose to succeed on their own terms.

This novel, win-win-win way of running an equine business can be done. And it SHOULD be done.

But it requires radically rethinking how we structure our services, how we teach, how define our mission and how we market. 

Your heart-felt principles CAN and SHOULD bethe magic sauce to your business’ true and meaningful success.

Everything that you practice with your horses can be put into practice in running your business. 

What if ...

  • Your heart were reflected in every detail of your business, and still be effective, as matter be MORE effective than short-term fame or long-term sacrifice?

  • You ended your inner battle between wanting to help horses and ‘having’ to run a business?

Imagine if running your business made you a better horse(wo)man and all the qualities you bring to your horses (mindfulness, patience, care, communication, clarity, connection, community) allowed you to build a business that fosters even more love in the world...which honors the horses.

Picture this ...

  • No more choosing between integrity and profit when it comes to running your business.

  • Bringing all your goodness and wholeness to your work, both in the office and in the barn.

What if this 3rd option was a solution to the toxic culture of ‘competing to win’ AND ‘serve until I have nothing more to give’?

What if this horse-first business of yours:

  • felt great to your heart and also thrives?

  • could heal your relationship to tech, marketing and money so that you can show up even more centered, present and patient to your horses?

  • could heal the horses AND the people in it -your clients, your staff, your family?

What would your world look like if there was no longer a schism between your time BEING with horses VERSUS how you earn your living

your business, but better...

What would your world look like if there was no longer a schism between your time BEING with horses VERSUS how you earn your living?  A new path where your business becomes an important part of a healthy culture that lifts humanity up and serves us all.

So far, your reaction to the toxic ego-driven part of our horse culture has been to plainly reject it.

But there is a path that diverges from that which is harmful…

Are you ready for that journey?

Are you ready to build a bridge between what you do with horses and having a comfortable livelihood?

your business, but better...

What would your world look like if there was no longer a schism between your time BEING with horses VERSUS how you earn your living?  a new path where your business becomes an important part of a healthy culture that lifts humanity up and serves us all.

So far, your reaction to the toxic ego-driven part of our horse culture has been to plainly reject it.

But there is a path that diverges from that which is harmful…

Are you ready for that journey?

Are you ready to build a bridge between what you do with horses and having a comfortable livelihood?

Identifying the hobbles...

There are three major mistakes that most horse-first, heart-centered pros make....

Mistake 1:

Failure to specialize.

Because most pros accidentally ‘fall’ into entrepreneurship, they often get their first clients haphazardly. A friend of a friend recommends them and before they know it, they are working with all kinds of clients.

The issue is that when the referrals dry out, they have no tool by which to proactively approach new, great clients.

This is ‘hope marketing’ and it is disempowering and financially scary.

Mistake 2:

Failure to plan.

Most professionals become so busy trying to earn their next dollar that there is no time to strategize, plan and organize their business.

As a consequence, the amount of work feels overwhelming, they feel out of control, always putting out fires and trying to catch up.


Mistake 3:

Failure to market.

This happens for a few reasons. Most claim a lack of time, but when we dig deeper, we hear a profound fear of marketing.

They have developed the idea that marketing is not un-similar to forcing horses to comply… and that's just wrong.

When the desperate need to secure new clients forces them to push through their reluctance and copy what others are doing the result is an inauthentic, ineffective copy of some old-paradigm manipulation-based marketing tactic.

When that doesn’t work OR they hate it too much, they simply stop and keep passively waiting for referrals.

A Word about your negative relationship to marketing...

Working with horses has honed your intuition to perfection.

When you sense something may be wrong with the horse, you trust this 100% and find a solution that meets the horse's need, no matter what.

But when you need to attract new clients, your intuition gets brushed aside.

You sense that traditional marketing tactics are manipulative, unethical or just wrong.

So you either override your deep knowing and your marketing attempts fall flat, or you just give up and hope more clients come along.

The problem is that people need to hear from you if you want to keep making a living helping horses.

But more on that below…

Next, we’re off to the solution, one that speaks to your heart, lets your wisdom shine and heals the chasm between your work in the arena and the office.

Identifying the hobbles...

There are three major mistakes that most horse-first, heart-centered pros make....

Mistake 1:

Failure To Specialize.

Because most pros accidentally ‘fall’ into entrepreneurship, they often get their first clients haphazardly. A friend of a friend recommends them and before they know it, they are working with all kinds of clients.

The issue is that when the referrals dry out, they have no tool by which to proactively approach new, great clients.

This is ‘hope marketing’ and it is disempowering and financially scary.

Mistake 2:

Failure To Plan.

Most professionals become so busy trying to earn their next dollar that there is no time to strategize, plan and organize their business.

As a consequence, the amount of work feels overwhelming, they feel out of control, always putting out fires and trying to catch up.


Mistake 3:

Failure To Market

This happens for a few reasons. Most claim a lack of time, but when we dig deeper, we hear a profound fear of marketing.

They have developed the idea that marketing is not un-similar to forcing horses to comply… and that's just wrong.

When the desperate need to secure new clients forces them to push through their reluctance and copy what others are doing the result is an inauthentic, ineffective copy of some old-paradigm manipulation-based marketing tactic.

When that doesn’t work OR they hate it too much, they simply stop and keep passively waiting for referrals.

About your negative relationship to marketing...

Working with horses has honed your intuition to perfection.

When you sense something may be wrong with the horse, you trust this 100% and find a solution that meets the horse's need, no matter what.

But when you need to attract new clients, your intuition gets brushed aside.

You sense that traditional marketing tactics are manipulative, unethical or just wrong.

So you either override your deep knowing and your marketing attempts fall flat, or you just give up and hope more clients come along.

The problem is that people need to hear from you if you want to keep making a living helping horses.

But more on that below…

We’re off to the solution, one that speaks to your heart, lets your wisdom shine and heals the chasm between your work in the arena and the office.


The Unhobbled Business Foundation Course...

Embrace Your Inner Hero and Transform Your Business

A self-paced 12 module business liberation course for mission-driven horse pros.

Why the name ‘Unhobbled’?

You see, we believe that you were told lies.

Lies about how businesses should be run in order to thrive.

Lies that formed your belief system.

Beliefs that got you stuck, tied to the ground.

Beliefs that stop you from thriving by being your truest, wisest, most powerful self.

This course is designed to help you free yourself  from those lies and false beliefs.

You'll Learn a New way to make a wonderful living

Work with horses and their owners in a way that feels 100% aligned with your deeply held principles!

In effect, there are 3 ‘magic’ skills that unhobble you from having to either sell your soul or your life.

Skill 1:

Embrace Brand Thinking!

This is NOT about another marketing scheme.

Branding in its most authentic form is about YOU. Your heart’s desire to make a difference. Your soul’s expression through your work. Your life purpose.

Once you define it and you apply it to well defined perfect clients, your work becomes magnetic to them.

Then add the skill of putting into words your life’s work - and your heart will sing, potential clients align with you instantly and your work (and sense of financial peace) will transform.

Skill 2:

Take Strategic Action!

Strategy is NOT manipulation.

On the contrary, it’s incredibly helpful to you, your clients and the horses in your care to work strategically.

Imagine you’d have systems in place that allow for booking, rescheduling, payment and more. No more late nights writing bills.

Imagine you have learning and teaching frameworks in place that guide your horse and students along a well thought-out path with the support of online video resources.

Imagine you have easy-to understand, transformational curriculums for your workshops, clinics and group lessons.

Imagine that all your services are planned so that clients progress faster, horses are happier, you retain more of your hard-earned money.

And just imagine for a second that you have a 1-year plan, a 6-month plan, a weekly plan that prioritizes your work so that you get more done with time to spare.

Skill 3:

Build Your Herd!

What does that mean?
Breeding or buying more horses????

No, no, no.

We use the analogy of herd building to help you visualize how you’re not only attracting new clients consistently but how ALL members of your community can be involved in helping you grow your business in a mutually beneficial way.

Just like in a horse herd, every member brings a unique quality to the herd, right?

We all know that horses embody this wisdom: I am because we are!

Yet, most business owners are reluctant to ask for help, and instead carry the whole burden of the business on their tired shoulders.

Having a herd at your back that loves you and supports you means that you can go farther, faster, and with greater success.

What To Expect...

These 3 skills are the core teaching themes of our Unhobbled Foundation Course.
During the course, we’ll ask you to get uncomfortable, dare to try those strategies out, test them, tweak them, make them your own and over time you WILL be the proud owner of a business that expresses your love for horses…profitably, purposefully!

Join now, study at your own pace, then slowly, and mindfully cut one hobble at a time until you’ve made the hero’s journey towards freedom, impact and income.

Your time has come.
Let your wisdom shine.
Amplify your impact.
The old paradigm of power-over, win-at-all-costs, manipulate-to-survive has to die if we want to survive and thrive as a world.

The horses have shown us how to live in community with authenticity and peace.
Let us follow their example!


The Unhobbled Business Foundation Course...

Embrace Your Inner Hero and Transform Your Business

A self-paced 12-module business liberation course for mission-driven horse pros.

Why the name ‘Unhobbled’?

You see, we believe that you were told lies.

Lies about how businesses should be run in order to thrive.

Lies that formed your belief system.

Beliefs that got you stuck, tied to the ground.

Beliefs that stop you from thriving by being your truest, wisest, most powerful self.

This course is designed to help you free yourself  from those lies and false beliefs.

You'll Learn a New way to make a wonderful living

Work with horses and their owners in a way that feels 100% aligned with your deeply held principles!

In effect, there are 3 ‘magic’ skills that unhobble you from having to either sell your soul or your life.

Skill 1:

Embrace Brand Thinking!

This is NOT about another marketing scheme.

Branding in its most authentic form is about YOU. Your heart’s desire to make a difference. Your soul’s expression through your work. Your life purpose.

Once you define it and you apply it to well defined perfect clients, your work becomes magnetic to them.

Then add the skill of putting into words your life’s work - and your heart will sing, potential clients align with you instantly and your work (and sense of financial peace) will transform.

Skill 2:

Take Strategic Action!

Strategy is NOT manipulation.

On the contrary, it’s incredibly helpful to you, your clients and the horses in your care to work strategically.

Imagine you’d have systems in place that allow for booking, rescheduling, payment and more. No more late nights writing bills.

Imagine you have learning and teaching frameworks in place that guide your horse and students along a well thought-out path with the support of online video resources.

Imagine you have easy-to understand, transformational curriculums for your workshops, clinics and group lessons.

Imagine that all your services are planned so that clients progress faster, horses are happier, you retain more of your hard-earned money.

And just imagine for a second that you have a 1-year plan, a 6-month plan, a weekly plan that prioritizes your work so that you get more done with time to spare.

Skill 3:

Build Your Herd!

What does that mean?
Breeding or buying more horses????

No, no, no.

We use the analogy of herd building to help you visualize how you’re not only attracting new clients consistently but how ALL members of your community can be involved in helping you grow your business in a mutually beneficial way.

Just like in a horse herd, every member brings a unique quality to the herd, right?

We all know that horses embody this wisdom: I am because we are!

Yet, most business owners are reluctant to ask for help, and instead carry the whole burden of the business on their tired shoulders.

Having a herd at your back that loves you and supports you means that you can go farther, faster, and with greater success.

What To Expect...

These 3 skills are the core teaching themes of our Unhobbled Foundation Course.
During the course, we’ll ask you to get uncomfortable, dare to try those strategies out, test them, tweak them, make them your own and over time you WILL be the proud owner of a business that expresses your love for horses…profitably, purposefully!

Join now, study at your own pace, then slowly, and mindfully cut one hobble at a time until you’ve made the hero’s journey towards freedom, impact and income.

Your time has come.
Let your wisdom shine.
Amplify your impact.
The old paradigm of power-over, win-at-all-costs, manipulate-to-survive has to die if we want to survive and thrive as a world.

The horses have shown us how to live in community with authenticity and peace.
Let us follow their example!


Please note that this is an introductory course.

We’re not promising you that you’ll have entrepreneurship mastered after 12 lessons.

Each of the topics could be a year-long course on its own. BUT this course will allow you to see new possibilities, activate your creativity and shine a light at the end of a long dark tunnel.

Implement just parts of this course and you wouldn’t recognize your business nor yourself!

There will be 3 parts to this course.

Part 1:

Brand Thinking

Lesson 1: Mission

  • Discover how you want to contribute to the betterment of the horse and why. This will be invaluable to your website copy, social media posts and your confidence.

Lesson 2: Niching

  • Narrow things down. Get crystal clear on what you do, for who. This will make it sooo much easier to develop the right programs, clinics, workshops and free content. 

Lesson 3: Messaging

  • Learn our formula for putting into words your why, your how, your what and your who. Your website will thank you!!!

Lesson 4: Integration

  • Learn strategies to manage and prevent overwhelm and get clarity on any of the Brand Thinking topics we have covered.

Part 2:

Strategic Action

Lesson 5: Online Systems

  • Learn to make tweaks to your website so that it systematically brings people to reach out to you. Use online automations to eliminate repetitive tasks and stop running after your money with user-friendly self-pay systems.

Lesson 6: Frameworks

  • Frameworks are what makes your offers easy to understand and easy to sell. Your service quality will go up and so will the outcomes of your clients.

Lesson 7: Offers

  • When you reshuffle your services so that they stack on top of each other, your bank account will love you. Clients then move themselves up your service ladder and the investment each client makes in you will skyrocket without you having to sell.

Lesson 8: Integration

  • Integrate what you you have learned and get clarity on any of the Strategic Action topics we have covered.

Part 3:

Herd Building

Lesson 9: Audience

  • Learn how slow to fast marketing via communities is the best recession-proof way to build a steady stream of clients in a way that feels good to your heart.

Lesson 10: Clients

  • Discover how to wow clients through community involvement and friendly competitions. Clients are craving connection. Give it to them while you shave hours off teaching or treating 1:1.

Lesson 11: Team Members

  • Staffing is one HUGE issue for all of you. Learn how to become a team leader your team loves. Whether it’s a team of a part time VA or a full staff at your barn, you can provide a beautiful safe home for your team.

Lesson 12: Integration Week

& Next Steps

  • Integrate what you you have learned and get clarity on any of the Herd Building topics we have covered.

  • Explore the options available to you to move your business further.

This is just a small overview of what we’ll be trying to convey to you in as much of a condensed form as possible.

Each of these modules will spark more ideas, which can be great and possibly also a bit overwhelming.

Concerned About Getting Through It All Alone?

We Have You Covered with Additional Support

Each quarter we offer a lived group coaching option for the Unhobbled Course. We take you through the training in 12 weekly Zoom calls along with a small group of other horse-first horse professionals. We keep the groups small and intimate to ensure that you get the attention you deserve and foster a true sense of community within the group. We have kept the live coaching option priced as low as possible to ensure that it is attainable for anyone who wants that additional support. You'll have the opportunity to learn more about how to join the next live coaching group at the top of the list before we announce it to the public and it becomes sold out.

We want you to succeed and recognize that that additional ongoing support may be the best way forward as you revolutionize your heart centered horse business. For this reason we will also offer our ongoing monthly Unhobbled | Find Your Stride group Coaching membership (group sessions 1x weekly for hop in/hop out coaching for all time zones) at only US $200/month. 

But even if those options are not for you, think of this course as sparking a new you.

Someone who feels in charge of their destiny.

With a solid, heart-centered brand, strategic daily actions, automations, logical frameworks and an ever growing community, you WILL make your business recession-proof, while feeling incredibly proud that you are the leader of a profitable, ethical, horse-first business!!!


Please note that this is an introductory course.

We’re not promising you that you’ll have entrepreneurship mastered after 12 weeks.

Each of the topics could be a year-long course on its own. BUT this course will allow you to see new possibilities, activate your creativity and shine a light at the end of a long dark tunnel.

Implement just parts of this course and you wouldn’t recognize your business nor yourself!

There will be 3 parts

to this course.

Part 1:

Brand Thinking

Lesson 1: Mission

  • Discover how you want to contribute to the betterment of the horse and why. This will be invaluable to your website copy, social media posts and your confidence.

Lesson 2: Niching

  • Narrow things down. Get crystal clear on what you do, for who. This will make it sooo much easier to develop the right programs, clinics, workshops and free content. 

Lesson 3: Messaging

  • Learn our formula for putting into words your why, your how, your what and your who. Your website will thank you!!!

Lesson 4: Integration

  • Learn strategies to manage and prevent overwhelm and get clarity on any of the Brand Thinking topics we have covered.

Part 2:

Strategic Action

Lesson 5: Online Systems

  • Learn to make tweaks to your website so that it systematically brings people to reach out to you. Use online automations to eliminate repetitive tasks and stop running after your money with user-friendly self-pay systems.

Lesson 6: Frameworks

  • Frameworks are what makes your offers easy to understand and easy to sell. Your service quality will go up and so will the outcomes of your clients.

Lesson 7: Offers

  • When you reshuffle your services so that they stack on top of each other, your bank account will love you. Clients then move themselves up your service ladder and the investment each client makes in you will skyrocket without you having to sell.

Lesson 8: Integration

  • Integrate what you you have learned and get clarity on any of the Strategic Action topics we have covered.

Part 3:

Herd Building

Lesson 9: Audience

  • Learn how slow to fast marketing via communities is the best recession-proof way to build a steady stream of clients in a way that feels good to your heart.

Lesson 10: Clients

  • Discover how to wow clients through community involvement and friendly competitions. Clients are craving connection. Give it to them while you shave hours off teaching or treating 1:1.

Lesson 11: Team Members

  • Staffing is one HUGE issue for all of you. Learn how to become a team leader your team loves. Whether it’s a team of a part time VA or a full staff at your barn, you can provide a beautiful safe home for your team.

Lesson 12: Integration Week

& Next Steps

  • Integrate what you you have learned and get clarity on any of the Herd Building topics we have covered.

  • Explore the options available to you to move your business further.

This is just a small overview of what we’ll be trying to convey to you in as much of a condensed form as possible.

Each of these modules will spark more ideas, which can be great and possibly also a bit overwhelming.

We Have You Covered with Additional Support

Each quarter we offer a lived group coaching option for the Unhobbled Course.

We take you through the training in 12 weekly Zoom calls along with a small group of other horse-first horse professionals. We keep the groups small and intimate to ensure that you get the attention you deserve and foster a true sense of community within the group. We have kept the live coaching option priced as low as possible to ensure that it is attainable for anyone who wants that additional support.

You'll have the opportunity to learn more about how to join the next live coaching group at the top of the list before we announce it to the public and it becomes sold out.

We want you to succeed and recognize that that additional ongoing support may be the best way forward as you revolutionize your heart centered horse business. For this reason we will also offer our ongoing monthly Unhobbled | Find Your Stride group Coaching membership (group sessions 1x weekly for hop in/hop out coaching for all time zones) at only US $200/month.

But even if those options are not for you, think of this course as sparking a new you.

Someone who feels in charge of their destiny.

With a solid, heart-centered brand, strategic daily actions, automations, logical frameworks and an ever growing community, you WILL make your business recession-proof, while feeling incredibly proud that you are the leader of a profitable, ethical, horse-first business!!!


Join now and get started with the self paced DIY course:

Work through the lessons at your own pace, and systematically implement them in your own business.


Each lesson is broken into 3 video segments for your convenience.

The first video is 20-30 minutes of lesson topic specific teaching.

As you have time, the next video features spot coaching from our most recent live coached group where you can learn from the example of other horse first business owners.

Then go even deeper and watch the Q&A session in video 3 for additional clarification.


You will have access to the course material for the lifetime of its availability. 

Important! You are NOT alone!!

With your purchase of this course you gain access to our vibrant Unhobbled Horse Business Facebook group where you can join the discussion, ask questions and get help from your fellow students.

Follow Up:

After you’ve gone through this course, you will want to implement what you’ve learned.

If you’d like to receive further coaching and support, you can elect to join either our Unhobbled Find Your Stride Group or our Get More Clients Action Group membership on a month-to-month basis.


You can participate in this course for a full 30 days and still decide to ask for a refund.

We want this to be extremely valuable for you. If you don’t find value, we don’t want to charge you.

Here's What Our Participants Have To Say...

We champion professionals who love the horse above the sport!

Christiane Witt

Founder & Head of Strategy

Cerice Berndsen

Head of Marketing

Leah Griesbach

Head of Technology

For The Love Of Horses

With over 55 years of combined experience in the horse business, our team brings unparalleled insights and understanding. We're not just tech experts; we are horse people helping horse people. Our solutions are crafted with a deep understanding to the specific needs of the horse industry at the forefront.

We champion professionals who love the horse above the sport!

For The Love Of Horses

With over 55 years of combined experience in the horse business, our team brings unparalleled insights and understanding. We're not just tech experts; we are horse people helping horse people. Our solutions are crafted with a deep understanding to the specific needs of the horse industry at the forefront.

Christiane Witt

Founder & Head of Strategy

Cerice Berndsen

Head of Marketing

Leah Griesbach

Head of Technology

© Copyright *HorseBizAutomated 2024